Newhaven Chamber of Commerce was proud to present a cheque for £1000 to Newhaven Youth Centre last week. The Chamber would like to thank the guests at the Seahaven Business Awards who generously donated to the President’s nominated charity via a raffle and silent auction.
The work done at the Centre to help, advise and support youngsters in the area is invaluable.
Mike Shorer, President of Newhaven Chamber is very keen to link the Youth Centre with businesses in the area and told the staff, ‘My mother ran a youth club in our local church hall in the 70’s and 80’s. Although we lived in a fairly calm area, there was trouble between gangs and drugs. Mum wouldn’t stand for any trouble and gave them a safe place to relax in. Several teenagers thanked her later for keeping them within the law’. This is exactly the ethos of Newhaven Youth Centre, to provide local youngsters a safe, relaxed place with professional help.